Pool & Spa Connection
Pool Products
Everything you need to clean and maintain your pool.
Want someone else to do it? We offer cleaning and service from certified professionals.
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Dipping a toe into DIY pool care?
Follow our three-step program for pool perfection.ng a toe into DIY pool care?
Make your pool safe to swim with sanitizing chlorine, shock oxidizers, and algaecides.
Avoid allergic reactions by balancing the pH, alkalinity, and calcium hardness of your pool.
Clear cloudy water and prevent staining with cleaning and clarifying agents.

Find the basis below, then visit the store to see our full inventory.

Regal® Chlorinated Tablets 3”
Kills bacteria, destroys organic contaminates and controls algae.

Regal Oxy Klear
Removes contaminants and restores sparkle to pool water.

Algaecide 60
Kills and prevents swimming pool algae.

Regal® Calcium Increaser / Decreaser
Raises or lowers calcium hardness to protect surfaces, plumbing, and equipment from corrosion.

Regal® pH Plus / Minus
Raises or lowers pH to protect from staining and corrosion and avoid eye or nose irritation.

Regal® Alkalinity Plus
Raises alkalinity to prevent surfaces from staining or corroding.

Regal® Pool Stabilizer
Raises stabilizer levels to reduce chlorine loss caused by the sun.

Regal® Super Klear Plus
Clears cloudy water and improves filter efficiency.

Regal® Natural Water Clarifier
Clarifies cloudy water, prevents stains, removes oil, and improves filter efficiency.

Regal® Super Floc
Clears cloudy water by pushing particles to pool floor for vacuum removal.